Bat exclusion a way to remove bats out of your home without trapping. There are several materials which offer physical exclusion from your Connecticut home.  Most devices are funnels made out of an assortment of material that you can find at a local home improvement or hardware store.

These devices allow bats to easily fly out of your home at night, but when they try to return, the exterior end is so small, it is difficult for your bats to get back in.

Bat exclusion is one of the best ways to get rid of bats in Connecticut, and the most popular way to exclude bats on your own.

One Way Bat Doors: One way doors are a way to exclude bats.  One simple way is to buy these devices online, this will eliminate the need to create your own device and then allow you to focus on installation in the right spot to get the bats to use the door. 

Excluding bats with tubes: In most cases, tubes make the best bat-exclusion devices. Exclusion tubes should have a diameter of two inches and be about 10 inches in length. Exclusion devices can be made from PVC pipe or flexible plastic tubing. Bats are unable to cling to the smooth surface of these tubes, so the tube should project no more than one-quarter inch into the opening.

Once the tube has been secured over the hole, a piece of lightweight, clear plastic can be taped around the tube’s outside end further reduce the likelihood of bats reentering, though this is usually not necessary. Plastic sleeves collapse on themselves, preventing bats from reentering once they have crawled out through the tube

Using netting for exclusions:  Lightweight, flexible plastic netting with one-sixth-inch (0.4 centimeter) mesh or smaller can be used to form a one-way valve over openings on smooth surfaces of exterior walls or attic louvers. Secure the top and sides of the netting, as shown in the diagram. The netting should extend 18 to 24 inches (46 to 61 centimeters) below the lower edge of the opening with the bottom hanging loose. The netting should remain in place for a minimum of five to seven days to ensure all bats have left. Then openings should be permanently sealed once you have confirmed the bats are gone from your home.

Safety is a prime reason to consider a professional. The job requires working at heights, on steep rooflines and frequently in close contact with both wasps and the bats. This combination can pose a hazard with serious consequences.

Assuming you have the proper equipment, training and desire to tackle this project, do you understand bat behaviors?  Some people take the initiative to do their own bat exclusion, then they miss sealing a couple spots and bats find their way back inside the house. Additionally, small oversights can just move the bats to a different part of the attic or even funnel them inside the living quarters. Experience can reduce this risk, Gray Brothers is here to help you exclude and remove bats from your Connecticut home.