Opossum removal in Fairfield, CT
Gray Brothers Wildlife LLC performing a opossum removal at a home in Fairfield, CT. The reason for the opossum removal was because the opossum had made resident under the home owners shed. If you need a opossum removal call the opossum removal and wildlife specialists at Gray Brothers Wildlife LLC 203-855-1888
The opossum is a medium-sized animal that measures between 15 and 20 inches long and weighs between 4 and 12 pounds. It has long, coarse, grayish-white fur. Black, brown, and albino opossums have been found, but are very uncommon. Opossums have a sharp-pointed and slender muzzle, prominent thin ears, and short legs. A long scaly, scantily-haired, prehensile tail helps stabilize the opossum when climbing. The tail also is well adapted for grasping and wrapping around things, but not for hanging for long periods of time. Opossums have five toes on each foot. The first toe on the hind feet is opposable, clawless, and thumb-like. These “thumbs” help the opossum grasp branches when it climbs.